


遊戲說明:'Destination Impossible' is a game where you have to read the instructions to help your character around Skillswise City.


1. Choose a charatcter to help.(選擇角色)

2. Read the tasks and choose one.(選擇任務)

3. Read the task you have chosen again, look at the map to see the route and click" Next".(看路線圖)

4. Choose wheather you want to play against the timer or not. When you have chosen, the game will start.(選擇是否要計時)

5. The flashing red dot shows where you are on the map. You can choose to go to one of the three locations- A, B or C(閃紅點是你所在位置,依指示選擇要前往的位置A,B或C)

6. Instructions will appear on the right of the screen.(指示位在螢幕右方)

There are ten for each task. Read the instruction and click on the location you think is correct.

7. During the task you will have to collect certain items. Read the instructions and click on the option you think is correct.

8. For all the intructions, you will get more points if you make the right choice first time.


    創作者 shanehc1 的頭像

    新竹夏恩英語 Shane English School

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